HPI seeks to alleviate poverty through gifting
livestock to indigent families that come together
to form a cooperative group. The first year the
offspring must be gifted to another group along with
the training and skills received, so the gift is
passed on. In this way your original donation keeps
on giving. In Nepal this organization also provides
adult education, girl-child scholarships, sanitation
projects, women's empowerment workshops, and so much
more. Following an HHN presentation, the Service
High School Honor Society in Anchorage, Alaska, founded
the SHS Endowment for Nepal through HPI. Interest from
this endowment continues to send livestock to Nepali
groups, most of which are comprised of females. If
you would like to contribute to this endowment, please
first contact HHN directly.
For additional information on Heifer Project/Nepal, please see:
Heifer International Nepal (heifernepal.org)